Here is a WAD Forwarder I've created: Copy the WAD to the 'wad' folder on the SD Card, Insert the SD Card into Wii & Install the WAD using Multi-Mod Manager. Go to Settings, Change Autoboot to Installed file, Save Go to Load/Install File, Go to DOSBox Wii.dol & Press Aģ. Hold Reset (If you installed Priiloader it should load) Ģ. Use the Wii Remote to move the cursor if you don't have a USB Mouseġ. Press Home & Go to Keyboard if you don't have a USB Keyboard Go to the new DOSBox Wii channel and it should load Windows 98 Once it's finished installing, Press B to go back & Press Home to exitġ0.
Go to WAD Manager & DOSBox Wii forwarderħ.
Go to the Homebrew Channel & Load Multi-Mod ManagerĦ. Remove SD Card from PC & Insert it into Wiiĥ. Copy everything from the DOSBox Wii Pack to SD CardĤ. (Optional) You can also use a USB Keyboard & USB Mouse.ĭOSBOX Wii doesn't support Network or DVD Drive.ģ. HMN - Softmod Wii 4.2 - 3.0 Without a Game (BannerBomb) HMN - Softmod Wii 4.3 Without a Game (LetterBomb) HMN - Softmod Any Wii Without LetterBomb (Wilbrand Launcher) If you don't already have the Homebrew Channel, checkout my videos: